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Rembrant Peale,"Thomas Jefferson,  President of United States",1801 

About Painting


This portrait of Thomas Jefferson was painted by Rembrandt Peale in 1800, when Jefferson served as vice president to John Adams, whom he would succeed in the presidency in 1801.The author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson served as president from March 4, 1801 until March 4, 1809.

By:Liana Mkhikyan Period:4

Painted in 1801 

3rd President of the United States

Founding Father of America


What does it mean to be an Ameican?

What it means to being an American to me is showing loyalty, respect and honesty to your country. You also have to be patriotic to your country which in this case it's America. 


Painted in 1805

Serving his first term in     the house

Painted 1805 by Rembrant Peale in the White House during his term in the office. 

Historical Context:

The point of view of this image is to show that how Jefferson contributed in his portion of making America great.The audience is the fellow presidents or the people who visit the White House.The purpose of this is to show how important America was to the presidents.

Painted in the 18th century

Made a New Era for France by crossing the alps


Created an Act for Diplomacy

Napoleon Crossing The Alps is a similar painting to Jefferson's


All 3 these paintings were nearly created at the same period of times.Jefferson's and Napoleon's paintings are very much alike. Both of them stand proud and are winners and they did their part in making America great.

This is a painting of Napoleon crossing the Alps painted in 1801.


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